Waking up on the RIGHT side of the bed is Paramount to Law of Attraction.
When you first wake up in the morning, you are in a state of hypnosis!
Are you one of those people who find yourself either:
-Wakes up on the wrong side of the bed in the morning?
- In a bad mood?
- Pressing the snooze button
- More than once
- Tripping when you get out of bed
- Complaining
- Saying things like I hate Mondays or I hate going to work or I hate getting up in the morning?
This time when you are first waking up in a very special time you see. When you are first waking up and you’re still not quite conscious, you’re still in touch basically with your Subconscious Mind. And who hands the orders to Law of Attraction to manifest what you want? It’s your subconscious mind.
Now, your subconscious mind doesn’t care if you don’t like to get up in the morning. All it does is hears the words you say, and the thoughts you are thinking, and submits your vibration to Law of Attraction.
There are only two kinds of vibrations you can send, positive and negative.
So, when you’re saying, "Oh, I am just dreading going into work today, because I have to meet with so and so, or because I have to do this or that, The Law of Attraction is obedient.
It just says:
Yes, I’ll bring you some more of that. So, what are some ways to overcome this?
What can we do differently to change this?
How to get a Money Mindset to strengthen your Attraction.
I'm sure you've heard that your thoughts create your reality. At the end of the day, this is true. However, some things can create money blocks in us, which can impact Law of Attraction working in your life, because perhaps you have been in a state of denial about your financial situation.
In this Power of Your Mind episode, we are going to take a look at a four-step clearing process to release old habit patterns about money.
Be prepared to get honest. Face reality today for a brighter future tomorrow. This process is simple, though it may not be easy. However, it is powerful!
Using this four-step process, you will own your new money mindset by getting into action in your life. You'll be in a much better place to focus on money, from a place of truth so that you can create the actions which are appropriate for you and a plan to overcome the old money patterns.
Download this exciting and impactful episode now!
Attract what you really want with the Power of Your Mind
If you have heard of the movie, The Secret, you have heard of the Law of Attraction, as well. The Law of Attraction is not making things suddenly appear with your thoughts; you have to put a little effort into it.
Learn How to Meditate Using Creative Visualization
if you are interested in utilizing the Law of Attraction to its fullest potential, make sure that you begin each day with meditation.
Creative Visualization is a powerful tool in creating the feelings behind the desire. It is not enough to just meditate on something you wish to attract into your life, visualizing brings it to life.
Learn the art of Being Grateful
Write down your thoughts.
Use positive thinking
Attract the Life You Want with the Power of Your Mind
Do you always keep your word?
Are you expressing yourself authentically?
Have you felt blocked in the area of Manifesting?
It may come down to this thing we call: Integrity
We think that little agreements made and then broken here and there won't ever harm us, right?
Think again!
Your word is connected to your power to create. As a matter of fact, it IS your power to create!
Or, maybe you are completely out of alignment in one area of your life. You're not living your truth. You're afraid to speak up. So, you go on just living a lie and it blocks you from having success in some other area of your life.
If you are loose with your word, then you have no power to create.
During this podcast you're going to learn.
Create a new level of awareness about how what you say and do is responsible for the results you now have in your life.
By getting honest with yourself and keeping your word, you'll be surprised at how much energy that frees up within you to create the world you want to live in.