When trying to better your future and create Financial Abundance for yourself, you must start with the basics. It is very important that you examine yourself. Why do you want it and what does it mean for you?
Stop Negative Thinking: Another important basic you will need in order to obtain success and Financial Abundance is to stop your negative thought processes.
Understand That Wealth by Itself Will not Create Happiness: A common thinking error that many people make is to think that Financial Abundance itself means happiness. This is not true, and it is important for you to know that in some people’s situations money actually created more stress and unhappiness in their lives. To be truly successful and feel content in life you will need more than just Financial Abundance.
Positive Imagery: A very powerful tool to Manifest Financial Abundance and sadly many people are not aware of the benefits it has to offer. You can change many things in your life by simply using positive imagery. It may seem unbelievable that such a simple process can be so effective, but do not underestimate the power of visualization.
Affirmations: Can be very useful when facing tough situations. That is why they should be used while you are trying to build Financial Abundance. It may feel weird saying affirmations to yourself but it will surely help.
When it comes right down to using The Power of Your Mind, I can't think of a better way to help you strengthen that powerful mind of yours than Meditation.
We’ve all heard so much about it, but just What is Meditation?
There are many schools of thought on that definition, just as there are many ways to meditate. Most would agree that it is a way of relaxing the mind, letting go of every day distractions, and bringing about more inner peace, something we can all use.
Meditation is a great practice because it allows you to get in touch with your inner self. Meditation allows you to visit a part of yourself that you may not acknowledge very often. Meditation can even help you Manifest more Love, Abundance, and Health into your life through the Law of Attraction. It also allows you to reach deeper into your subconscious, subsequently allowing you to lock in to your goals, your life purpose or improve your concentration and focus. Meditation can be difficult at first, but like any exercise, you will get better and stronger with practice.
This is one of the longer podcasts, but well worth it as it includes about a 10 minute meditation toward the end.
Ever since the release of the hit movie The Secret which talks about the Law of Attraction. There’s been a lot of people interested in and talking about and teaching the Law of Attraction.
Law of Attraction is a very misunderstood concept. It's not about a genie granting all your wishes to come true and all of your problems to just magically disappear. There are actual things that you need to do if you want to experience the richness that’s available to you.
What I’m going to talk about some steps you can take to implement the Law of Attraction which can be used to attract pretty much anything that you can think of in your life. You can attract money, attract a soulmate, better health, you can attract more customers, you can attract a job, you can attract more friendships, you can attract being able to find your dream home, you can attract pretty much anything that you can think of.
Just sit back, free your mind from any clutter and just listen and enjoy.
Sign up for your free Self-Hypnosis Video Training Course at: http://www.hyptalk.com
Just what are Brainwaves? And how can they help you to Attract what you want?
Would you like to improve your meditation? Get better at Law of Attraction? Understand Hypnosis? How Your brain works?
In this episode, you'll learn, what are the different Brain Wave Frequencies?
We will discuss the various brain wave states; Beta, Alpha, Theta, Delta, and Gamma and the most ideal state for Hypnosis?
You'll also enjoy a quick 5-minute Alpha state Meditation / Hypnosis Session!
What is Visualization? We use visualization to imagine things via the pictures, images, mental imagery on the screen of our mind. This is a very powerful tool in order to help you to achieve what you want in life and to help you to get better at any skill in any area of your life.
Why Visualization Works. Visualization works because the subconscious mind does not know the difference between what is real and imagined. It also evokes the emotions needed in order to manifest what you want in your life.
How to Visualize. Really we visualize in all 5 senses. But, with the word visual, many people think in terms of what we are seeing in our mind, so we are going to talk about ways to do that, practice it, and get better at it.
Visualization Exercise. In this episode there will be a beginner’s assignment and an advanced assignment to help you to improve your visualization skills.
I’m sure you have all heard the phrase “An attitude of gratitude”, but have you ever wondered why have this attitude?
After all, what do you really have to be grateful for? You might have thoughts like, “I hate my job”, “I don’t make enough money to make me happy”, “It’s time for a new car, but I can’t afford one”, “My co-workers are so annoying”, and “I can’t find a quality man or woman to love me.” Now, while whatever you’re complaining about may be true, what you focus on and think about is typically what the universe gives back to you.
When you focus on the gratitude and appreciation, for the things you do have, you are changing your mindset, which changes how you feel, and ultimately changes how you behave and the opportunities that will you’re your way.
When you’re grateful for everything you have, no matter how small it is and you allow yourself to FEEL the gratitude you will receive more of what you are asking for because your mind delivers to you that with which you are focused on.
Expressing gratitude shifts your focus to those things that you are grateful for and the more you express gratitude, the more your energetic vibrations change.